Detailed Tree Reports From a Tree Specialist
Decay detection reports using resistograph testing and sonic tomography testing
Decay detection reports using resistograph testing and sonic tomography testing
Reviewing a detailed tree report
Owners of large trees growing near roads, buildings, where people or property could be injured or damaged may need detailed information into the internal condition of the tree to ensure it does not pose an unacceptable risk.
You may also require a detailed arboricultural report from a tree specialist if you:
MacIntyre Trees has recently invested in specialised diagnostic tools to help provide our customers with tree reports and information so your trees can be managed in the most appropriate way. Get in touch if you need any advice from a tree specialist.
We carry out two different types of test:
Both give technical information on the cross section of a tree stem and can be used in conjunction or individually. The sonic tomograph (Rinntech Arbotom) measures the time it takes stress waves, caused by impacts to a series of sensors fixed to the tree around its circumference, to reach one another. These times give an indication as to the condition of the interior at the test area and areas of decay or hollowness can be interpreted by the slower travel times. This data is then used to create a coloured graphical representation of the stem which makes interpretation clear and easy.
The information gained from each test is evaluated along with other, known, factors such as surrounding environment, wood characteristics, tree size and form to inform a sensible course of action for your tree. All provided in a clear and professional report for you. Please get in touch to discuss your need further.