Tree Reports to Comply With BS 5837:2012
Obtain a tree report to explain relation to demolition, design and construction
Obtain a tree report to explain relation to demolition, design and construction
Tree Report to Comply With BS 5837:2012
Are you looking to extend you property or undertake construction near trees? If you are then your local authority may require you to submit a tree report and a plan showing tree locations, their quality category and root protection areas. This is so the council can be satisfied that trees have been considered as part of the design process. I regularly undertake tree surveys to meet this requirement and produce clear plans that can be used during the design stage and demonstrate consideration for trees.
The first stage in this process is the site survey and production of a tree constraints plan (TCP). A topographical survey is recommended for this aspect, so tree positions are accurately plotted, but is not always feasible for smaller scale developments. In that instance I can use a GPS device to plot tree positions and purchase Ordnance Survey data so that plans are clear and professional. The tree constraints plan shows tree positions, quality category, crown spread and root protection areas, and can be used by your architect or yourself, to complete the design with due consideration for trees.
The second stage of the process is a tree report, or arboricultural impact assessment report. This is also often a stipulation of a planning application and seeks to demonstrate what trees can be kept or need to be removed and what impacts they may suffer as part of the development. I can help you in this stage by bringing my knowledge of trees and construction so that you end up with a project that sits well in the landscape and meets the requirements of the planning process.
Please get in touch to discuss your project.
Related information: Arboricultural Impact Assessment Reports