Arboricultural Impact Assessment Reports
Tree removal plans, tree protection plans
Tree removal plans, tree protection plans
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
An arboricultural impact assessment is often a requirement of a planning application when trees are nearby. It is undertaken in accordance with the British Standard BS5837:2012 and seeks to highlight the impacts to trees on site. A tree survey, tree constraints plan and proposed layout is required to undertake the assessment and from this a report, that includes a tree removal plan and tree protection plan, is produced. This shows the local authority that trees have been fully considered, which trees will be lost, what the impacts are and that retained trees can be protected from damage. It also shows you which trees need to be removed and which need to be protected so you have an idea of the scale of works required prior to development.
I have worked closely with architects, planners, developers and builders over the years and can bring this experience and knowledge to your project so that construction can proceed trouble free where trees are concerned.
Please get in touch to discuss your project.
Trees close to construction
Arboricultural Method Statement often a condition of planning approval
Construction projects are not always straightforward brown field sites; where a site is particularly constrained by trees there may be a need to work very close to them to achieve the desired site layout. If construction is required with the root protection area of a tree a council will usually condition an arboricultural method statement as part of the planning approval. This details how construction will be carried out, the timings of operations and any special construction measures that will be employed to lessen long term impacts to trees.
The documents I produce are site specific and can tie in with the overall site sequencing. I draw upon my knowledge of trees and construction methods to produce a clear document that can be easily interpreted on site, is feasible and provides a cost effective and realistic solution for you as a client. Sometimes an element of site supervision is required to ensure working methods are employed correctly but I will always try and strike a fair balance so that unnecessary costs are avoided.
Please get in touch to discuss your project.